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Learning Candombe in 6 Steps

Learning Candombe in 6 Steps

The process of learning candombe typically involves six steps:

  • Practicing the rhythms: Candombe drumming involves complex rhythms that require a lot of practice to master. Drummers often spend hours practicing the different rhythms and techniques to develop their skills.
  • Learning the songs: Candombe is often performed in conjunction with songs that tell stories about the living conditions of local Afro-descendants.
  • Choosing the drums: Three types of drums used in candombe: chico, repique, and piano. Each drummer must choose which type of drum they will play based on their experience and skill level.
  • Tuning the drums: Before a performance, drummers must tune their drums to the appropriate pitch. This involves tightening or loosening the drumhead to achieve the desired sound.
  • Coordinating with other drummers: Candombe is typically performed with a group of drummers, and it’s important for each drummer to coordinate their rhythms and timing with the rest of the group. This requires a lot of practice and communication.
  • Dressing in traditional attire: Candombe drummers often dress in traditional attire, which includes white pants and shirts, and a hat or headband. The attire pays homage to the African heritage of the music and its performers.

Candombe drummers deeply value and understand the rhythms and cultural significance of the music. Preparation involves both individual practice and group coordination to ensure a successful performance.