

Currulao is a traditional Afro-Colombian music genre from the Pacific coast featuring marimbas drums and call-and-response singing.

Currulao comes from the Pacific coast of Colombia, particularly from the regions of Chocó and Valle del Cauca. It's characterized by its rhythmic complexity and use of traditional instruments like the marimba de chonta (a type of wooden xylophone), tamboras (drums), and guasas (gourd shakers).

The music often features a call-and-response structure between the lead singer and the chorus, and it typically includes both instrumental and vocal elements. Currulao has roots in African musical traditions, reflecting the influence of enslaved Africans brought to Colombia during the colonial period. Over time, it has evolved while preserving its traditional elements, and it plays a significant role in Afro-Colombian cultural celebrations and ceremonies.

Key Locations:

  • Buenaventura: A major port city known for its rich Currulao traditions.
  • Tumaco: A city on the Pacific coast with vibrant Currulao performances.

Category: Musical Styles
Country: Colombia
Style: Currulao
Region: Andean Region